Friday, March 06, 2009

Irony of ironies!!! MSNBC's hypocritical way of using double standards to declare only the opposition guilty of hypocritical behavior

Instead of doing the same old scam of misleading the viewers with yet another "Hypocrisy Watch" where you distort the facts to make republicans seem to be the ones to blame - when it's actually the democrats deserving the blame for several failures you choose not to report... and do a "Hypocrisy Watch" that gets the story right because the truth determines the outcome - not some agenda for the liberal cause?

If you cared to research the situation, you would see that Republicans aren't as bad off as you keep telling the viewing public - and it's actually the Democrats that fit the description you use to label Republicans.

The liberal media says that the Republican party is in trouble because they have nobody leading them - and the fabricated "Limbaugh" problem is used as proof...

But what would you call a party that has one person claiming to be the leader, and then has his agenda defeated by members of his own party as they try to prove that they are in charge?

Well, that is the Democrats since Obama took office.

The President claimed to be in charge as he told Congress how he expected things to work out... and then the House Democratic leadership showed Obama by their counter-productive actions that they won't listen to him telling them what to do... and as this is going on the Senate Democrats add to the problem by still not being able to get anything accomplished - even after two years of them being in total control.

Then add in how Obama's senior staff behaves in ways directly contradicting his campaign promise of leaving partisanship in the past...

Having two democratic strategists that are so partisan it borders on delusional behavior like Begala & Carville having daily secret meeting with Obama's senior people - resulting in the smoke & mirrors scam of distracting the American people with the fabricated Limbaugh drama to keep us from seeing how the Dems & the Obama Administration took the bad situation handed to them from Bush's departure - and making things exponentially worse by flawed policies - and you in the liberally biased media mislead the people by covering up the obvious flaws of the democrat's agenda as things keep getting worse.

It's been 2 years of Democrat rule in Congress, so still blaming Bush & co for the current debacle only makes you part of the problem, not the solution.

Your choice of still trying to find ways to blame Karl Rove long after he stopped having any say in public policy doesn't help solve the problem at hand... but holding Begala, Carville, Obama's senior staff (as well as other super-partisan democrat pundits like Mark Penn) accountable for what you call "operation chaos" when their efforts would be better used in finding a way to work with Republicans, not against them (or in spite of them) is the first step to a better day for all Americans.

Karl Rove isn't the boogeyman you want people to believe him to be...

But as bad as his ideas were to the American public as a whole way back when he had some clout to shape the Bush policy... what Obama's senior staff and super-partisan pundits are doing now is far worse than what Karl Rove ever did.

And allowing people to come on air and get away with personal attacks against Rush Limbaugh - using several offensive adjectives as he sunk to the low level of personally insulting someone just because they disagree with you.

What made this offensive display of unprofessional behavior by the guest commentator was the way Chris Matthews not only allowed the string of insults to be said on air without one word of discipline... Matthews clearly showed his approval of this unwarranted attack by loudly laughing for several seconds.

If you want to expose hypocrisy, the first thing you need to do is clean house at MSNBC of such unprofessional behavior before you can have any integrity at being the watchdog of being in the wrong.

If you have any integrity at all... you need to hold Matthews & his guest accountable for being a much bigger offender than what you believe Karl Rove is still guilty of.

If you fail to set Matthews & his associate straight... then you don't have a leg to stand on as you judge those who disagree with you... and not one tiny bit of moral ground to stand on.

If you can't or won't apply this moral standard to everyone - regardless of political affiliation or personal connection to you... then it's time for you to quit - if not then you would be the biggest example of hypocrisy!!!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Contessa Brewer & her delusions of grandeur

I love to watch MSNBC because it's better than going to a comedy show. I have to laugh at how the on air personalities pretend to be actual journalists reporting news - when really they are just a bunch of clowns.

The latest example happened today when Contessa Brewer reported the story of Rush Limbaugh challenging President Obama to come on his radio program to debate the current issues - Democrat vs. Conservative.

As expected, MSNBC is bashing Rush & the Republicans... they try to make news by repeating ridiculous questions and coming up with crazy thoeries that demonize Limbaugh and attempt to portray Rebublicans as outdated, impotent dupes to Limbaugh's alleged political capital.

And when Contessa Brewer got her turn on air, she set a new personal record for stupidity - and I must say, that's some accomplishment because Brewer has a long history with being the village idiot at MSNBC/NBC!!

After berating Limbaugh and making fun of his challenge for Obama to debate him on his show Brewer loudly proclaimed that she found Limbaugh's comments funny - and then she explained how she had issued a similar challenge for Limbaugh to come on her program and debate political issues.

I almost felt sorry for her as she expressed how confused she was that Limbaugh seemed to have no desire to debate political issues with her - especially since he was implying negative things about Obama for not meeting his challenge while Limbaugh was guilty of the same thing... almost.

What Brewer fails to understand is that Limbaugh wouldn't consider meeting her challenge, and her cluelessness as to the reasons she'll never see Rush in her studio is both pathetic and a perfect example why she should never be allowed on air again.

Why would Limbaugh lower himself to debating Brewer? This is the person that couldn't tell when Tommy Chong was making fun of her when she tried to interview him on MSNBC during the Paris Hilton jail fiasco. Contessa had no clue at all about what Chong was trying to get across to viewers as he made her look like a 3rd grader who got held back twice.

Another sign of how unfit for the job Brewer is was when her interview went sour and she decided to try insulting Chong - implying that he might be stupid or brain damaged from smoking pot... she even went so far as to ask him if he had smoked anything that morning - as if his witty, sarcastic commentary was really just him not being very smart.

I'm sure Cronkite, Murrow, Walters, etc. totally approved of the way Brewer rolled her eyes at Chong in obvious disgust.

And this rude, condescending attitude is normal behavior for Brewer, as witnessed by the way she berated Limbaugh today, and again awhile back when she was rude when interviewing Rick Santelli who was on location at the NYSE.

Brewer was so obviously rude that another MSNBC on air commentator pointed out how rude she was at the end of the segment. This time, Contessa chose to also berate, demean, and make fun of someone Santelli had made the mistake of including in the segment's conversation... and I'm sure her wished that he never got on air since the result ended in a certain humilation for him on national tv.

But if that wasn't enough, Limbaugh could use the many examples of how unprofessional & unqualified Brewer is for making intelligent conversation with someone... not to mention conduct a professional & informative interview. If Brewer can't keep it together for the easy segments, what makes her think she's is ready for a hard-hitting debate on issues with an informed opponent who is a true believer in how right his views are?

When Contessa was talking to a reporter on location in Galveston in the aftermath of a devastating hurricane. As the reporter talks to Contessa about how Ike has caused chaos for so many people now without a home to go back to, and a graphic tells of the $16 Billion in estimated damages, Brewer shows her lack of professionalism by ignoring the tragedy & loss on camera to talk about a bug that is on the camera's lens. I'm sure those effected by the disaster took comfort in how Brewer gave a bug more importance than them and what they were going through.

And don't forget the time Contessa decided that she needed to put lip gloss on her lips more than MSNBC needed someone at the studio being seen paying attention to a reporter telling how there was a serious security concern at a Giuliani campaign event.

I guess you can't expect someone like Brewer to be interested if the topic is a natural disaster or a potential security risk event for a Presidential candidate... Contessa herself admitted that she loves "computer solitaire, ice cream (with a twist!) and Bloody Marys" - so it's understandable why bugs & lip gloss mean more to her than paying attention while real news is happening on her watch.

But I'm sure a big reason why Limbaugh wouldn't come to MSNBC for any reason, let alone debating political issues with anyone of the on air staff, might be the way MSNBC makes sure their point of view is the one viewers get to see, and the hosts of the MSNBC shows have many tricks they will use to make the opposing viewpoint seem ridiculous while also making theirs seem to be the only reasonable one to have.

People at MSNBC will berate, bully, censor, cut off, and even shout over a guest foolish enough to have a view that differs from the liberal talking points. No tactic is too low if it means forwarding the liberal agenda... even if it means reporting inaccuratly what the other side said as the host gets in the last word as the segment is wrapped up.

It's not like Brewer has a track record for getting the facts straight if it means the Republicans/conservatives end up looking good to the viewers... and you can forget a correction if it becomes obvious to everyone that a report is totally wrong.

Maybe Rush is concerned that Brewer will have another bad day like the time she totally misreported a story about John McCain. (never confirmed, and never corrected after the inacurrate reports aired)

How can you try to have an honest debate on important issues when the other person has no problem putting incorrect information out as undisputed fact??

And if that person is in control of how long the debate will last, has control over how the process happens, and is in charge of the footage and can edit it however they wish - having the final say on what the viewing public gets to see when they allow it to air?

Contessa Brewer is an idiot if she actually believes she has what it takes to debate any informed opponent on serious political issues. But she is delusional if she thinks that someone like Limbaugh - a person who muct be high up on the MSNBC list of people they consider "the enemy" - would fall victim to what would never be an honest debate.

Who in their right mind would allow such an obviously biased media outlet like MSNBC have total control over what the video of the debate would look for the viewing public if it gets recorded at the MSNBC/NBC studios by MSNBC/NBC employees?

The bottom line is that Rush wouldn't lower himself to play whatever crooked game anyone at MSNBC would try on him... but if he was crazy enough to give it a shot, you can be certain that he'd never let himself be reduced to sharing a stage with someone not fit to read the times for movies at a small town theater.

But it was fun watching Contessa report the type of stories someone like her should be lucky to get rather than waste airtime as she totally fails trying to read a real news story from the prompter. (remember when she fell for the "I'm not gay" prank pulled on her?)

The final slam to Brewer & her delusions of grandeur was watching her get relegated to reading stories about the Octomom's crazy 911 call, getting excited over Michael Jackson's insane idea to charge people around $500 to see him suck as bad as Brewer doing karaoke, show video of the judge throwing the book at a dumb criminal, an idiot getting hit by a train & thinking it was a good thing, and Robin Williams health issues, and Obama's gray hair drama, among other non-important stories - while the other people get to talk about real stories people actually care about.

Contessa should worry more about not looking like a total d-bag every day rather than trying to get in the big leagues by challenging someone to a debate - how stupid is she to ask for something that would only make her look completely unqualified to all who have nothing else better to do than tune in to her ramblng.

Oh, one final clue for Contessa...

Why would Rush debate you when you have never had an original thought worth saying on air? The only reason you sound halfway competent some of the time is because someone else is in charge of writing what you get to say as you "report"?? And even that only works some of the time since you have this habit of saying whatever dumb thought pops into that empty head of yours.

You would be an embarrassment if you were still on a local network affiliate... but it's so sad to see a national network let an airhead lower the quality standard and ruin what little reputation is left for MSNBC/NBC.

You should do us all a favor & quit... go spend more time on your solitaire, ice cream, & Bloody Marys... please.

So much for a "new era" of post-partisan politics by the Obama Administration/Democrats in Congress

Rush Limbaugh is as much a Republican party leader as any of the
liberally biased talking heads at MSNBC are leaders of the Democrat
party. Rush is simply the very vocal minority of the Conservative
aspect of the Republican party - and even though he likes to think he's
a major player (in the same way that liberal
commentators/strategists/members of the media want the viewing public
to believe) he has no "political capital" to get his agenda done.

the liberally biased members of the media at MSNBC/NBC, Huffington
Report, DailyKos, etc. - who have been rewarded by the current
Administration & Congressional Leaders for the hard work they did
during the election process as they mislead the American People with
liberal propaganda in place of objective news reporting (not to mention
whatever dirty tactic they could think of as they forwarded the liberal
democrat agenda - whatever it took as long as it meant stealing the
election for their democrat bosses)

Chris Matthews
bragged that he lets his personal opinions shape how he presents
information to the viewing public, not caring one bit about how a
journalist should conduct himself, as he (and almost everyone else at
MSNBC/NBC) gave up any sense of having integrity as they chose instead
to sabotage the process for one party over another.

Limbaugh has his right to express whatever opinion he wishes to
broadcast to his listeners - regardless of how stupid they may be...
but that doesn't mean he has the power to force his views on the party
as a whole, especially since his positions are on the fringe of the
movement, and people need to know that there aren't as many of people
who agrees with him as people want us all to believe.

as Rush should stick to commentating & not trying to run the show,
his counterparts of the liberally biased viewpoint shouldn't be allowed
to have any more of a say than anyone else in this country. It's time
for the liberally biased media outlets like MSNBC/NBC to stop doing the
exact same thing they demonize Rush for trying to do for his party of

Unless pundits,commentators, opinionists,
"so-called journalists", bloggers, etc. hold themselves to the same
standards they hold the opposition to, then it would be better if they
just didn't say anything at all.

Like Obama said during the campaign - there's not red states or blue states... we live in the UNITED STATES.

it's time the media tried to follow in those footsteps... and maybe
Obama's staff & fellow party members should get the memo about how
Obama wants to have a different kind of post-partisan era for his 4
year term... that way maybe "do nothing" democrats can work together
with "stubborn" republicans so they can fix the system they all helped
to break before it's too late for all of us here in the USA!!

Hypocricy Watch on MSNBC/NBC

Why do you selectively choose how you frame each "story" to help Dems and/or hurt Republicans? Why do you only say Limbaugh wants Obama to fail, but not report the entire commentary with the context? Limbaugh wants Obama to fail IF his goal is to replace the capitalistic free market with a liberal Democrat version of Socialism - NOT that he just wants the President to fail in every way possible. That is misleading to say it the way you do, and it promotes the same agenda that the Obama Administration is using to take the focus away from how badly the Dems are destroying the country ever since people like you helped them gain power back in 2006.

Obama claims to want a different type of Administration - one that is post-partisan... yet he has his chief of staff conduct secret meetings with the most partisan of liberal democrat strategists. Obama has his staff do the dirty work for him while trying to fool people into buying his "new politician" scam. How can Obama let his senior staff consort with such delusionally partisan hatchetmen as Begala - secretly polling the public with opinion polls so loaded against the Republican Party that it must be hard for even the super biased MSNBC/NBC people to keep a straight face as you say whatever will make the typical dirty tactics seem perfectly ok.

And why do you guys say RNC chairman Steele is not doing so well at his new job, but make excuses galore about why Obama deserves less scrutiny on his performance over the same time frame?

Why is it ok for the WH to attack a radio personality as they force how the Republicans try to do their jobs... but say that's it's wrong for Republicans to call attention to how the WH is tarnishing the reputation of the Office of the President by attacking a citizen and hiding from the battle with the opposing party??

Why is it wrong for someone not of the Democrat/liberal affiliation to say they don't want Socialism to replace our way of living... but it was totally fine for Democrats to make outrageous personal attacks against the former President - basically saying he was either mentally challenged or totally incompetent? (and how about the way the liberal media said nothing when the Dems tried to destroy John McCain's reputation by making many comments that said he was not mentally competent and too old to be President)