Friday, April 11, 2008

When will people realize the truth?

Bill Clinton hasn't lost his old charm like people are saying so often after yet another news-making debacle as he campaigns for Hillary.

I knew all along that this behavior wasn't a fluke, but what makes up Bill Clinton (and Hillary by proxy) at the very core of his being.

The recent incident of attacking the media for the Bosnia thing where he gets so many aspects wrong it makes swiss cheese seem like a concrete wall is just a continuation of how he looked directly into the camera and lied to our faces about Monica.

The dirty tactics, persecution paranoia, accusing others of the wrongs you yourself are doing, say anything/do anything if it gets the job done is what defines Bill & Hillary, and it's exactly what the people have had to deal with for far too many years from crooked politicians who say one thing but never mean it.

Hillary promised jobs to NY State in her 1st campaign... but after more than 250,000 were lost on her watch all she had were excuses and partisan b.s. to offer - while proceeding to scam us into believing she will somehow get it right this time - if we give her a chance. (as in hillarycare 2.0 or this pitch for new jobs)

Why do we seem surprised that Bill gets paid off (oops, I mean paid) from Columbia for a free trade deal under Hillary while she claims to oppose the deal? That's just a re-run of Bill getting paid huge sums from the Dubai people while Hillary tried to say she opposed that group running our seaports. Or how Hillary claimed to oppose NAFTA when it's on record that she spoke at a rally for the deal her hubby basically strong-armed us to accept like a mafia kingpin.

The Clintons have always been what people are just now seeing them to be. They are everything that's wrong with the system - all you need to prove it is look at all the corrupt, fat-cat, partisan bums who support her no matter what the facts say about how wrong they are on talking points. But if you need a hint, here's three:

1. Ed Rendell, the worst & most corrupt governor Pennsylvania has ever known.

2. John Murtha, the guy who barely escaped the ABSCAM ordeal because the "bribe" offered to him wasn't enough for his greedy corrupted ass.

3. Michael Nutter (Philly's corrupt mayor - and I don't mean Rendell when he was there) who knows what it takes to win Pennsylvania... making dirty deals & promising kickbacks to the Philly elite, because Pa. can be won if you win the 6 counties that make up the Philly metro area and do well in Pittsburgh. That's how Rendell became Mayor & then Governor & he's sold his soul to Hillary just like Nutter did in the hopes of a kickback should she win in November.

Three strikes... the Clinton's should be out this time. Maybe, if enough of you who usually fall for the Clinton lie machine wake up and see that the Clinton's aren't golden - they are just fool's gold. I hope enough of you see the true Clintons in time to stop the tragedy we would face if Hillary is our Democratic nominee for President.

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