Why Hillary Clinton doesn't deserve your vote
Recent events that relate to the race for the Democrat candidate for President all point to certain failure for the Clinton political machine, and they have nobody to blame but themselves.
There's no up-side for Hillary because she's damned no matter what she does in terms of damage control.
She either ends up looking like she has no control over her campaign staff, or having the same non-existent credibility that plagues the current Administration.
If anyone believes that the cocaine "slip-up" wasn't approved by either Hillary or Bill, then you're as dumb as the Clintons believe the American Public really are.
But let's suppose that she didn't know what such a high ranking member of her campaign staff was going to do... that totally disqualifies her for being President of the United States. If she can't keep such a simple group in line, then what will happen when a serious crisis happens? So much for her alleged experience and ability to lead "from day 1" if this is how she is allowing her campaign be run.
Hillary & her senior staff (including her hubby, the Ex-President) are waging a "win at all costs" campaign that will stoop to any low level if it means Hillary gets a few more potential votes.
The Clintons and their staff have not only "re-written" the past, they have flat out lied about issues as they try to fool people into believing that Hillary is the right choice for the Democrat ticket.
They try to make us forget that her original health care plan (one she called "universal") left twice as many people without coverage than what she claims Obama's plan might do. (her 30 million uninsured makes Obama's alleged 15 million seem like progress) They also don't want to talk about the shell game scheme as a way to pay for her new "universal" plan.
Recent comments by Hillary about no clue about 9/11 are clearly contradicted by such credible sources as the 9/11 Commission. (check MSNBC's archives for the many failures the Commission place on the doorstep of Hillary's Presidency... which also includes Hillary since she is claiming her tenure as First Lady as part of her immense experience she has over every other Democrat & Republican running)
And why are they making such a fuss over the concept that any candidate wishing to be considered to have a legitimate claim on being the Next President contender be required to have foreign policy experience beforehand?
The way I look at things, only 1 out of the previous (and also the current) 8 or so Presidents had actual foreign policy experience before becoming President. Although many had some military service, I'd say that only George H. W. Bush (who ran the C.I.A.) had the level of foreign policy experience that the Clinton Campaign seems to be referring to as their litmus test. Personally, I don't consider that Bush as having the right qualification for the job. Although I respect almost all of the former Presidents being mentioned, I would have to go all the way back to Eisenhowser for someone I feel had the type of experience in foreign matters that the Clinton Machine wants us to judge the potential recipient of our vote by.
Hillary is either delusional or just stupid if she actually believes that the type of meetings she had while being First Lady are equal to what happened when her husband went somewhere on behalf of the American People. I hate to burst her bubble, but what Condi Rice does is about a thousand times more substantial than Hillary's most significant act while her husband was President. Being the First Lady at some State function is the equilivent of sitting at the "Kiddie Table" for Thanksgiving. (And if something happened where Hillary was privy to issues of the highest importance, then I'd have to say that serious breaches in security occurred on each & every time she put herself in that arena - but I doubt that will ever be discussed seriously)
I'm getting lost in the minute details of the many reasons why Hillary doesn't deserve to be the Democratic candidate in the '08 election, let alone our next President... I'll get back on track by simply listing some of the serious flaws to Hillary Clinton's claim as the person her party should have on the ballot come next fall.
Her campaign staff is plagued with people of little or no scruples who will do/say anything to help Hillary win. They make the Enron boys look like saints by comparrison. They will try to get away with any dirty trick, and then use some lame excuse when one of their dishonest deeds gets the opposite result intended. (Who cares if they apologize when it's obvious they don't mean it)
Hillary has also been caught having many people working to raise funds for her campaign that make John Gotti look like "Honest" Abe Lincoln. And then there's all her huge sums coming from corporations, special interest groups, and people who Democrats like to say are behind many a Republican victory... but their liars/propaganda spreaders (I mean spinmeisters) try to portray her as being the exact opposite of the Nixon-esque villan she is.
Hillary has a record of being very Republican (or at least a "loyal Bushie" like Joe Lieberman is trying to be) since taking office as a Senator for the State of New York. She has even imitated the President in how little time she spends actually performing her duties that the People of New York elected her to do. Look back to see how soon after she took her second oath of office that she basically abandoned her post to be a full time campaigner. (it was about 2 or 3 weeks before she forgot about being a Senator & became a Presidential wannabe) And the few votes she has made were either gross mistakes, or acts of partisan divisiveness resulting in what has been a "do nothing" Congress ever since the Democrats scammed their way into being in control of both houses of Congress.
And since Hillary is claiming her husband's time in Office as hers... let's not forget these reasons to vote for someone else:
Hillary's "success" in the cattle futures market as a rookie
Selling the Lincoln Bedroom to the highest Chinese bidder to fill the Dems pockets
Allowing top secret nuclear information just walk out of Los Alamos
Ruby Ridge
Waco, Tx
1st World Trade Center bombing
Al-Quaeda/O.B.L. rise to power & many terror acts
Vince Foster's "suicide" just prior to him potentially making known how many criminal acts the Clinton's committed.
Hillary's association to Communists while "protesting" Viet Nam war
Hillary failing to pass the D.C. Bar exam after law school
Hillary's inability to know what adulterous acts Bill was up while not being able to know he was still lying to her & the U.S. People (either that or she knew what he was doing & helped cover it up)
How Hillary failed to read classified documents available to her regarding terrorist acts leading up to 9/11 as well as the faulty intel that got us into Iraq. She didn't do what she could have done in her position to help stop the Iraq debacle
Her paranoid delusions about a Conservative Republican "conspiracy" she claims has been after her & her husband for decades
Her total lack of integrity while also having an absolute hypocritical foundation that taints everything she does/says
I'm tired of listing things, even though I could go on & on... I have more than proved my point as to why people should vote for ANYBODY but Hillary Clinton. She is not the "agent of change" that her people want us to believe. She is exactly what is wrong with politics & D.C. that needs to be removed like a cancerous tumor.
If I were voting for a candidate for the Democrat nominee (we all know I'm not since I'm a Libertarian) I would totally vote for Barak Obama because he has integrity that Hillary never had.
Hell, I'd even consider voting for Obama (did I really just type that?) if - after becoming the Democratic nominee that is - he would have the sense to ask Harold Ford, Jr to be his V.P. running mate. That's a ticket that a conservative Libertarian like myself would have no problems crossing over to vote for. I would be proud to have an Obama/Ford Administration even though I'd rather have a Huckabee/Tom Ridge one...
I say we could do alot worse than a Obama/Ford Jr Administration... the worst case scenario is a Hillary Clinton Presidency (regardless of the V.P.) with "Slick Willy" roaming the halls of the White House again!!!
Please people, (those of you on the Left) - don't allow such a tragic thing to happen to our Country... do NOT vote for Hillary in any election she might be on the ballot!!
There's no up-side for Hillary because she's damned no matter what she does in terms of damage control.
She either ends up looking like she has no control over her campaign staff, or having the same non-existent credibility that plagues the current Administration.
If anyone believes that the cocaine "slip-up" wasn't approved by either Hillary or Bill, then you're as dumb as the Clintons believe the American Public really are.
But let's suppose that she didn't know what such a high ranking member of her campaign staff was going to do... that totally disqualifies her for being President of the United States. If she can't keep such a simple group in line, then what will happen when a serious crisis happens? So much for her alleged experience and ability to lead "from day 1" if this is how she is allowing her campaign be run.
Hillary & her senior staff (including her hubby, the Ex-President) are waging a "win at all costs" campaign that will stoop to any low level if it means Hillary gets a few more potential votes.
The Clintons and their staff have not only "re-written" the past, they have flat out lied about issues as they try to fool people into believing that Hillary is the right choice for the Democrat ticket.
They try to make us forget that her original health care plan (one she called "universal") left twice as many people without coverage than what she claims Obama's plan might do. (her 30 million uninsured makes Obama's alleged 15 million seem like progress) They also don't want to talk about the shell game scheme as a way to pay for her new "universal" plan.
Recent comments by Hillary about no clue about 9/11 are clearly contradicted by such credible sources as the 9/11 Commission. (check MSNBC's archives for the many failures the Commission place on the doorstep of Hillary's Presidency... which also includes Hillary since she is claiming her tenure as First Lady as part of her immense experience she has over every other Democrat & Republican running)
And why are they making such a fuss over the concept that any candidate wishing to be considered to have a legitimate claim on being the Next President contender be required to have foreign policy experience beforehand?
The way I look at things, only 1 out of the previous (and also the current) 8 or so Presidents had actual foreign policy experience before becoming President. Although many had some military service, I'd say that only George H. W. Bush (who ran the C.I.A.) had the level of foreign policy experience that the Clinton Campaign seems to be referring to as their litmus test. Personally, I don't consider that Bush as having the right qualification for the job. Although I respect almost all of the former Presidents being mentioned, I would have to go all the way back to Eisenhowser for someone I feel had the type of experience in foreign matters that the Clinton Machine wants us to judge the potential recipient of our vote by.
Hillary is either delusional or just stupid if she actually believes that the type of meetings she had while being First Lady are equal to what happened when her husband went somewhere on behalf of the American People. I hate to burst her bubble, but what Condi Rice does is about a thousand times more substantial than Hillary's most significant act while her husband was President. Being the First Lady at some State function is the equilivent of sitting at the "Kiddie Table" for Thanksgiving. (And if something happened where Hillary was privy to issues of the highest importance, then I'd have to say that serious breaches in security occurred on each & every time she put herself in that arena - but I doubt that will ever be discussed seriously)
I'm getting lost in the minute details of the many reasons why Hillary doesn't deserve to be the Democratic candidate in the '08 election, let alone our next President... I'll get back on track by simply listing some of the serious flaws to Hillary Clinton's claim as the person her party should have on the ballot come next fall.
Her campaign staff is plagued with people of little or no scruples who will do/say anything to help Hillary win. They make the Enron boys look like saints by comparrison. They will try to get away with any dirty trick, and then use some lame excuse when one of their dishonest deeds gets the opposite result intended. (Who cares if they apologize when it's obvious they don't mean it)
Hillary has also been caught having many people working to raise funds for her campaign that make John Gotti look like "Honest" Abe Lincoln. And then there's all her huge sums coming from corporations, special interest groups, and people who Democrats like to say are behind many a Republican victory... but their liars/propaganda spreaders (I mean spinmeisters) try to portray her as being the exact opposite of the Nixon-esque villan she is.
Hillary has a record of being very Republican (or at least a "loyal Bushie" like Joe Lieberman is trying to be) since taking office as a Senator for the State of New York. She has even imitated the President in how little time she spends actually performing her duties that the People of New York elected her to do. Look back to see how soon after she took her second oath of office that she basically abandoned her post to be a full time campaigner. (it was about 2 or 3 weeks before she forgot about being a Senator & became a Presidential wannabe) And the few votes she has made were either gross mistakes, or acts of partisan divisiveness resulting in what has been a "do nothing" Congress ever since the Democrats scammed their way into being in control of both houses of Congress.
And since Hillary is claiming her husband's time in Office as hers... let's not forget these reasons to vote for someone else:
Hillary's "success" in the cattle futures market as a rookie
Selling the Lincoln Bedroom to the highest Chinese bidder to fill the Dems pockets
Allowing top secret nuclear information just walk out of Los Alamos
Ruby Ridge
Waco, Tx
1st World Trade Center bombing
Al-Quaeda/O.B.L. rise to power & many terror acts
Vince Foster's "suicide" just prior to him potentially making known how many criminal acts the Clinton's committed.
Hillary's association to Communists while "protesting" Viet Nam war
Hillary failing to pass the D.C. Bar exam after law school
Hillary's inability to know what adulterous acts Bill was up while not being able to know he was still lying to her & the U.S. People (either that or she knew what he was doing & helped cover it up)
How Hillary failed to read classified documents available to her regarding terrorist acts leading up to 9/11 as well as the faulty intel that got us into Iraq. She didn't do what she could have done in her position to help stop the Iraq debacle
Her paranoid delusions about a Conservative Republican "conspiracy" she claims has been after her & her husband for decades
Her total lack of integrity while also having an absolute hypocritical foundation that taints everything she does/says
I'm tired of listing things, even though I could go on & on... I have more than proved my point as to why people should vote for ANYBODY but Hillary Clinton. She is not the "agent of change" that her people want us to believe. She is exactly what is wrong with politics & D.C. that needs to be removed like a cancerous tumor.
If I were voting for a candidate for the Democrat nominee (we all know I'm not since I'm a Libertarian) I would totally vote for Barak Obama because he has integrity that Hillary never had.
Hell, I'd even consider voting for Obama (did I really just type that?) if - after becoming the Democratic nominee that is - he would have the sense to ask Harold Ford, Jr to be his V.P. running mate. That's a ticket that a conservative Libertarian like myself would have no problems crossing over to vote for. I would be proud to have an Obama/Ford Administration even though I'd rather have a Huckabee/Tom Ridge one...
I say we could do alot worse than a Obama/Ford Jr Administration... the worst case scenario is a Hillary Clinton Presidency (regardless of the V.P.) with "Slick Willy" roaming the halls of the White House again!!!
Please people, (those of you on the Left) - don't allow such a tragic thing to happen to our Country... do NOT vote for Hillary in any election she might be on the ballot!!
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